Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Maurice Sendak Defends

Maurice Sendak Defends: Maurice Sendak children's writer, not one to analyze words is back with a book that is not surprising that it has some criticisms of the brigade of overprotective parents. Sendak, most recently in the news after the film adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are was criticized by parents who felt the classic book about a boy who goes to bed oups! Not be a dinner before "Wild Thing "was too afraid. Sendak says wonder moms and dads to complain "go to hell", causing a condition little feverish children are pretending they do not like the shit scared and nervous. Sendak authored and illustrated In the Night Kitchen and The Nutshell Library, and is out with his first written and illustrated book in 30 years. Bumble Ardy follows a nine-year-old pig and his quest to have the ultimate birthday party, having been deprived his whole life. CSM describes a bit of the controversy: At one point in “Bumble Ardy”, Sendak introduces the Grim Reaper, not an image that every parent wants her children dwelling on as they go to sleep. One reviewer on wrote that “Bumble Ardy” was a “disturbing book in so many ways.” Sendak sees it the other way around. It is parents who are scaredy cats, he argues, frightened to deal with the nightmarish fantasies and even murderous impulses with which children are familiar and which books such as “Alice in Wonderland” explore. Sendak refers to other, popular and more milquetoast kids’ fare that he says he isn’t against but he consciously acknowledges he’s bucking the trend"It's not a putdown of the books earlier. But basically, they went by the rules that children must be safe and that we adults should be their guardians. I left him and I was considered weird. How to ensure this "It would be pretty cool if all the parents who think it a greater crime than our children can never be exposed to Maurice Sendak book met and formed a kind of group of indignation, but I think special demographic too busy living their lives and teach their children real useful thing to have time for such a ridiculous adventure.


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