Thursday, 25 August 2011

She Thanks God for Every Day of Jim Carrey Sex Promises Emma Stone


She Thanks God for Every Day of Jim Carrey Sex Promises Emma Stone: I do not know if you keep an eye on Jim Carrey Tru Life, but it is a strange and fascinating site something that Carrey was put on Twitter lately. Filled with videos of Jim, wherever he goes and whatever happens, and often filmed by the actress herself, the site will convince you that Carrey has a few things not much in common with Truman Burbank. Oh - and note that it is Tru, right in the name of the site. Submitted for the site tonight Tru Life, and unfortunately not be nested, a video message from Carrey for Emma Stone. Please, go see it now if you can. So what's the problem here? What is sold? And it is reasonable to assume that Ms. Stone knew about it before it is posted, or just Jim Carrey is just to exploit the central ideas of The Truman Show for some great self-promotion (which is what I’m ​​' wait) or there is some sort of special edition Blu-ray in the film around the corner (which I certainly would not say no to).


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