Friday, 22 July 2011

Norway Attack in Oslo


 Norway Attack in Oslo A huge explosion damaged government buildings in central Oslo on Friday admitting Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's office, injuring many folks, a Reuters witness said. The blast blew out most windows on the 17-storey building housing Stoltenberg's office, as well as nearby ministries admitting the oil ministry, which was on fire. Photos are here, here, and here. Video of the aftermath is here. One possible explanation for the explosion (via J.M. Berger) is here. More to come, I am certain. Update: ABC is attributing the blasts to a "massive vehicle bomb." Meanwhile, via Brian Fishman, go here for information on the last notable Norwegian terror plot. There's also been a shooting at a summer camp run by the Labor Party in Utøya. Reports right now say that 4 folks mayhap dead. Norway's former prime minister was regular to speak at the camp today.Norway Attack in Oslo


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