Friday, 1 July 2011

invite your pals to Google


Invite your pals to Google+: Many people want to get into the beta test of Google +, the new service from Google of social networks. If you are one of the in-people, there is something you can do to make your friends on board at this time. It is not as obvious as clicking on "invite friends" to call them directly. Google has opened up this possibility last night, but then shuts off after a fleeting moment because of what Google's Vic Gundotra called "crazy question. Instead, you must use an optional integrated Google email +, which becomes a component of viral marketing. These are the steps. First know who you want to send invitations. If they are already in your Gmail address book, or another Google service, you are one step ahead. If not, there are some cut and paste into your future. For friends, the emails that are already in the Gmail address book, or at least is in the section of the Google + 's Circles, add them to the circle has been created a special G + guests. If they are not in your contacts, simply keep their addresses now. Then start a new message from Google +, the equivalent of an update message on Facebook or a Twitter tweet. In this document, type a message of invitation to the expectations of reduced care. This is what he said: "This message is to invite you to Google + Google handles the subscription fee, however, so you can not otherwise work initially, try later .Invite your pals to Google


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